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ECO 402 - Credit Boom Project (Updated)

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Published: 2017-04-02

Added NASDAQ Composite Index series.

Series 1 - 17 of 17   

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate GS10 2017-04-02 % M NSA 2017-03-01
Balance on Current Account, NIPA's NETFI 2017-04-02 Bil. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-30
Consumer Price Index: Total All Items for the United States CPALTT01USM661S 2017-04-02 Index 2010=1.00 M SA 2017-04-20
Delinquency Rate on Single-Family Residential Mortgages, Booked in Domestic Offices, All Commercial Banks DRSFRMACBS 2017-04-02 % Q SA 2017-02-23
Effective Federal Funds Rate FEDFUNDS 2017-04-02 % M NSA 2017-03-01
NASDAQ Composite Index NASDAQCOM 2017-04-02 Index Feb 5, 1971=100 D NSA 2017-04-03
Real Disposable Personal Income DSPIC96 2017-04-02 Bil. of Chn. 2009 $ M SAAR 2017-03-31
Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment GCEC1 2017-04-02 Bil. of Chn. 2009 $ Q SAAR 2017-03-30
Real Gross Domestic Product GDPC1 2017-04-02 Bil. of Chn. 2009 $ Q SAAR 2017-03-30
Real Gross Private Domestic Investment GPDIC1 2017-04-02 Bil. of Chn. 2009 $ Q SAAR 2017-03-30
Real Personal Consumption Expenditures PCECC96 2017-04-02 Bil. of Chn. 2009 $ Q SAAR 2017-03-30
Real Residential Property Prices for United States QUSR628BIS 2017-04-02 Index 2010=100 Q NSA 2017-02-22
Real Trade Weighted U.S. Dollar Index: Broad, Goods TWEXBPA 2017-04-02 Index Mar 1973=100 M NSA 2017-03-01
Rest of the world; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (capital account), Flow RWLBCAQ027S 2017-04-02 Mil. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-09
Total Credit to Private Non-Financial Sector, Adjusted for Breaks, for United States CRDQUSAPABIS 2017-04-02 Bil. of US $ Q NSA 2017-03-07
Total Credit to Private Non-Financial Sector, Adjusted for Breaks, for United States QUSPAM770A 2017-04-02 Percentage of GDP Q NSA 2017-03-07
Total Population: All Ages including Armed Forces Overseas POP 2017-04-02 Thous. M NSA 2017-03-16

Series 1 - 17 of 17   


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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