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Published: 2017-04-25

Series 1 - 50 of 176    1 2 3 4 Next »

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Hours of Wage and Salary Workers on Nonfarm Payrolls: Construction CNSTQ 2017-04-25 Bil. of Hours Q SAAR 2017-04-21
Employed full time: Wage and salary workers: Natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations: 16 years and over LEU0254504000Q 2017-04-25 Thous. of Persons Q NSA 2017-04-18
Employed full time: Wage and salary workers: Construction and extraction occupations: 16 years and over LEU0254505100Q 2017-04-25 Thous. of Persons Q NSA 2017-04-18
Employed full time: Median usual weekly nominal earnings (second quartile): Wage and salary workers: Natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations: 16 years and over LEU0254557400Q 2017-04-25 $ Q NSA 2017-04-18
Employed full time: Median usual weekly nominal earnings (second quartile): Wage and salary workers: Construction and extraction occupations: 16 years and over LEU0254558500Q 2017-04-25 $ Q NSA 2017-04-18
Employed full time: Wage and salary workers: Natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations: 16 years and over: Men LEU0254610800Q 2017-04-25 Thous. of Persons Q NSA 2017-04-18
Employed full time: Wage and salary workers: Construction and extraction occupations: 16 years and over: Men LEU0254611900Q 2017-04-25 Thous. of Persons Q NSA 2017-04-18
Employed full time: Median usual weekly nominal earnings (second quartile): Wage and salary workers: Natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations: 16 years and over: Men LEU0254664200Q 2017-04-25 $ Q NSA 2017-04-18
Employed full time: Median usual weekly nominal earnings (second quartile): Wage and salary workers: Construction and extraction occupations: 16 years and over: Men LEU0254665300Q 2017-04-25 $ Q NSA 2017-04-18
Employed full time: Wage and salary workers: Natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations: 16 years and over: Women LEU0254717600Q 2017-04-25 Thous. of Persons Q NSA 2017-04-18
Employed full time: Wage and salary workers: Construction and extraction occupations: 16 years and over: Women LEU0254718700Q 2017-04-25 Thous. of Persons Q NSA 2017-04-18
Employed full time: Median usual weekly nominal earnings (second quartile): Wage and salary workers: Natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations: 16 years and over: Women LEU0254771000Q 2017-04-25 $ Q NSA 2017-04-18
Employed full time: Median usual weekly nominal earnings (second quartile): Wage and salary workers: Construction and extraction occupations: 16 years and over: Women LEU0254772100Q 2017-04-25 $ Q NSA 2017-04-18
Average Hourly Earnings of Production and Nonsupervisory Employees: Construction AHECONS 2017-04-25 $ per Hour M NSA 2017-04-07
Average Hourly Earnings of All Employees, Construction CES2000000003 2017-04-25 $ per Hour M SA 2017-04-07
Average Hourly Earnings of Production and Nonsupervisory Employees, Construction CES2000000008 2017-04-25 $ per Hour M SA 2017-04-07
Average Hourly Earnings of All Employees, Construction CEU2000000003 2017-04-25 $ per Hour M NSA 2017-04-07
Unemployment Level - Construction Industry, Private Wage and Salary Workers LNU03032231 2017-04-25 Thous. of Persons M NSA 2017-04-07
Unemployment Rate - Construction Industry, Private Wage and Salary Workers LNU04032231 2017-04-25 % M NSA 2017-04-07
Construction Wages and Salaries in Connecticut CTWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Alaska AKWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Alabama ALWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Arkansas ARWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Georgia GAWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Hawaii HIWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Iowa IAWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Arizona AZWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in California CAWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Colorado COWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in District of Columbia DCWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in North Carolina NCWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Delaware DEWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Florida FLWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Idaho IDWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Massachusetts MAWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Maryland MDWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Illinois ILWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Indiana INWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Kansas KSWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Missouri MOWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Mississippi MSWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Montana MTWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Kentucky KYWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Louisiana LAWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Maine MEWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Tennessee TNWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Texas TXWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in New Jersey NJWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in New Mexico NMWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28
Construction Wages and Salaries in Nevada NVWCON 2017-04-25 Thous. of $ Q SAAR 2017-03-28

Series 1 - 50 of 176    1 2 3 4 Next »


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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