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  Published Data Lists 1451 - 1500 of 1850    [1] « Previous 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Next » [37]

ID    Name Published Notes
1534    Market Hotness Demand Score - Ohio      2021-12-20     
1535    Market Hotness Rank - Ohio      2021-12-20     
1536    Market Hotness Score - Ohio      2021-12-20     
1537    Market Hotness Median Days on Market Change - Ohio      2021-12-20     
1538    Market Hotness Median Days on Market - Ohio      2021-12-20     
1539    Market Hotness Median Days on Market vs US - Ohio      2021-12-21     
1540    Test      2021-12-24   Test   
1541    Home Prices Test      2021-12-27   testing to see in what form the data is published   
1542    LaborForceByAge      2021-12-30     
1543    LaborForceByAge      2021-12-30     
1544    VB      2022-01-02     
1545    ForeignExchangeRates      2022-01-04     
1546    FHLMC PMMS      2022-01-05     
1547    vabhatia      2022-01-09     
1548    mortgage30us      2022-01-12   mortgage30us   
1549    Test      2022-01-14   I am testing the data list feature.   
1550    SP      2022-01-18     
1551    Minimum Wage      2022-01-20     
1552    Minimum Wage      2022-01-20     
1553    FOMC Projections      2022-01-31   To update rate stress test analysis.   
1554    WBL Home Price Indexes      2022-02-03     
1555    WBL Home Price Indexes      2022-02-03     
1556    Econ Support Dashboard      2022-02-07     
1557    Publish Daily CMT Values      2022-02-07     
1558    Bay Area Office Employment - NYLREI      2022-02-08     
1559    Homework 4      2022-02-08     
1560    Key CPI Foresights      2022-02-10     
1561    abebaw debas mossie      2022-02-10     
1562    12      2022-02-11     
1563    Category Forecasting V2 FRED data      2022-02-11   This data is set to update with releases of new and revised observations   
1564    Popular Data All - IA      2022-02-13     
1565    Vintage JOLTS      2022-02-13   Vintage Quits Rates for the United States, Total Nonfarm and Total Private   
1566    CB - Data for ALCO Econ Analyis      2022-02-14   This is to populate BOKF's ALCO Economic Analysis monthly report.   
1567    CB - Regional Economic Indicators      2022-02-14   This is to populate BOKF's Regional Economic Indicators Update Report.   
1568    correct permtis      2022-02-18     
1569    EmploymentCounts      2022-02-22     
1570    SUNY New Paltz Hawk Index (Leading Indicators)      2022-02-24   These are the required data inputs for the Hawk Index Leading components. ...   
1571    FREDhistorical      2022-02-28   Here it is, the way to pull all the FRED data!   
1572    FREDhistorical      2022-02-28   Here it is, the way to pull all the FRED data!   
1574    Elecitricity vs Gas      2022-03-08     
1575    Housing (Permits)      2022-03-09     
1576    Housing (Building Starts)      2022-03-09     
1577    Fed Rates      2022-03-10     
1578    Mortgage Rates      2022-03-10     
1579    data      2022-03-11     
1580    US Market Conditions      2022-03-13     
1581    Supplementary household and nonprofit      2022-03-13   BOGZ1FL162000005Q BOGZ1FL163093005Q BOGZ1FL163193005Q BOGZ1FL164041085Q BOG ...   
1582    financial balance      2022-03-13   FBAPLIA027N FBCFBAA027N FBEIPYA027N FBIPSEA027N FBMPLIA027N FBOAREA027N GSE ...   
1583    financial accounts (quarterly)      2022-03-13   BOGZ1FL794100005Q BOGZ1LM653164205Q BOGZ1LM662090205Q BOGZ1LM793064105Q BOG ...   
1584    hourly earnings      2022-03-15   wage totalgoods handypersons mininglogging manufacturing goods perishables ...   

Published Data Lists 1451 - 1500 of 1850    [1] « Previous 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Next » [37]

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