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  Published Data Lists 51 - 100 of 1813    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next » [37]

ID    Name Published Notes
188    5 year inflation spread      2009-08-14     
547    5-year-rate      2012-08-30     
3188    5yr Treasury Constant Maturities 1 2 5 10 yr nodes      2023-03-31     
714    706Empirical GDP Dynamics      2014-02-17     
163    AAA      2009-05-28     
1335    AAAA      2020-07-09   AA   
4410    aaaaaaa      2023-11-07   aaaaa   
4409    aaaaaaa      2023-11-07   aaaaa   
5036    AADatasetECON      2024-02-17   Dataset1 for data management and analysis   
1561    abebaw debas mossie      2022-02-10     
319    ABV      2010-08-18     
1389    ACEL VAR Dataset      2020-12-16     
768    activity and stress      2014-09-02     
1353    adam eldibany research      2020-09-14     
1399    Advance Retail Sales      2021-02-01     
175    AFG FSG Data      2009-06-24   Information requested is to be utilized for the Assistance to Firefighters ...   
180    AFPA AST Project      2009-07-16     
5571    Agency      2024-05-01     
136    AHNW 2009      2009-03-12     
1203    Alabama County Population Data      2019-08-28     
113    All Banks Credit      2009-01-08     
737    all daily FX rates      2014-05-07   This is all the daily FX rates that FRED has.   
934    All MLS stadiums w/ Economic Conditions Index info      2017-03-30     
1521    All States Quarterly GDP      2021-11-21     
1520    All States Quarterly GDP Hospitality      2021-11-21     
1013    All US State - Housing Price Index      2018-08-11     
5993    A lot of CourseworkData      2024-07-20     
1463    Alturas Economic      2021-06-23   This is just a quick running trial of another more complex data list   
75    amy mueller      2008-10-08     
475    Analysis      2012-01-30     
1355    AnnArbor Employment data      2020-09-20     
996    Annual County Pop TN      2017-12-04     
977    Annual State Tax Collected      2017-10-28     
2759    AO--Credit score--St Louis      2023-01-25     
952    APEG Unemployment      2017-05-18     
588    Applied Exercise 2      2013-02-28     
17    April 08 ALCO      2008-04-07     
820    APUSH Topics from NBER for Kaiman      2015-10-08     
318    Arkansas Job Stats      2010-08-17     
936    ARM Indexes      2017-03-31     
937    ARM Indexes used for Mortgages      2017-03-31     
990    AR - MSA job Growth      2017-11-25     
5432    Article on Rent Prices      2024-04-13     
1062    asd      2018-11-12     
5400    Ashley Wiggins      2024-04-10   Disconnected Youth- Not enrolled in school or employed ages 16-19   
552    Asia Corporate      2012-09-19     
4805    As Ls NW B101 101h 101n CGs S3a      2024-01-19   This dataset will download the most recently released data/series. Inclu ...   
1031    Assignment 0      2018-09-02     
502    assignment 2      2012-04-05     

Published Data Lists 51 - 100 of 1813    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next » [37]

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