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  Published Data Lists 1501 - 1550 of 1813    [1] « Previous 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Next » [37]

ID    Name Published Notes
3024    State continuing claims      2023-03-10     
1323    State Employment 1939-Present      2020-05-20   Illinois, Minnesota, Michigan, Alaska, and Hawaii do not begin until after ...   
1505    State GDP 1997-2020      2021-11-05     
1059    State GDP Data      2018-11-04   Data Compiled for all 50 states as well as some economic factors that would ...   
1443    state Government - ALL      2021-04-24     
1330    State Home Price Index Labadie      2020-06-08     
1329    State Home Price Index Labadie      2020-06-08     
383    State Housing Prices Index      2011-03-16     
193    State Income Data      2009-09-14     
3023    State init claims      2023-03-10     
1293    State Initial Claims Labadie      2020-03-23     
1289    State Initial UI Claims      2020-03-16     
1065    State Leading Indexes      2018-11-27     
337    State level unemployment rate      2010-10-13   The seasonally adjusted monthly unemployment rate for the 50 states and the ...   
1440    State Median Household Income 2000-2019      2021-04-23     
1153    State Minimum Wage      2019-04-30     
1449    State Minimum Wage Levels      2021-05-10     
1294    State Nonfarm Payrolls Labadie      2020-03-23     
441    state per capita income      2011-09-05     
331    State per capita income      2010-09-27     
1506    State Population 1990-2020      2021-11-05     
1439    State Population Data 2000-2019      2021-04-23     
628    State Populations      2013-06-13   Annual population for the 50 US states plus the District of Columbia   
2070    State Population Series      2022-09-12     
859    State Real Median Household Income      2016-05-02     
3324    states insured unemployment rate      2023-04-28     
1152    States Of Nature (AAC)      2019-04-25     
570    State Taxes 1992 - current      2013-01-30   Total State Tax Receipts by category   
332    State Unemployment      2010-09-27     
1492    State Unemployment Rate      2021-09-16   State Unemployment Rate   
1154    State Unemployment Rate      2019-04-30     
1295    State Unemployment Rate Labadie      2020-03-23     
1868    State unemployment rates      2022-07-31   The unemployment rate in each state. [Collected for the Stevenson-Wolfers i ...   
4013    State Unemployment Rates      2023-08-29     
1438    State Unemployment Rates 2000-2019      2021-04-23     
1041    St Charles County Economic Data      2018-10-22     
1509    STEEL DATA v2      2021-11-16   WPU10 Producer Price Index by Commodity: Metals and Metal Products ...   
1605    Steel Indices      2022-05-18     
274    Stephanie      2010-03-03     
1488    Stephen Hannah      2021-09-13   JFK Assassination Friday 22 Nov 1963   
212    steve      2009-11-03     
1221    Steve CS test      2019-10-15   list publishing test   
1045    St Louis City Econ Data      2018-10-23     
1044    St Louis County Econ Data      2018-10-23     
881    Stock Market Capitalization      2016-08-16     
1601    Stock Market Volatilities      2022-04-24   Global stock market volatility data   
788    Stock Watson GR      2015-02-09     
1349    stuarts      2020-08-25   sdf   
1348    stuarts      2020-08-25   sdf   
1347    stuartshowers      2020-08-25     

Published Data Lists 1501 - 1550 of 1813    [1] « Previous 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Next » [37]

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