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  Published Data Lists 1651 - 1700 of 1813    [1] « Previous 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Next »

ID    Name Published Notes
1270    Treasury Yield Short and Long      2020-02-03   Trying to import this into google sheets   
1026    Treasury Yields (TRV)      2018-08-22     
577    tset      2013-02-04     
576    tset      2013-02-04     
575    tset      2013-02-04     
567    TSforecasting13      2013-01-16   This is the data list for the forecasting contest in ECO-535 Time Series An ...   
1434    TSGDPDATA      2021-04-14   TSGDPDATA   
1410    TSMF Problem Set 1 Data      2021-02-09   Contains data for Problem Set 1, Time Series Modeling & Forecasting   
1219    Tsy Yield Curve JC      2019-10-09     
4278    TTU ECO 3311 US Economy Data      2023-10-11     
4277    TTU ECO 3311 US Economy Data      2023-10-10     
932    Tunisia Data      2017-03-27     
2099    Turkey Consumer Price Index      2022-09-14     
126    TWI      2009-02-19     
2858    UE Bilans      2023-02-14     
1030    UGA PhD Macro HW0 Walker Martin      2018-08-29     
405    UK data      2011-05-26     
404    UK data      2011-05-26     
712    UMSL ECON 4040 ALLISON      2014-02-06     
611    Unemployed      2013-04-26     
1935    Unemployment      2022-08-17     
676    Unemployment      2013-11-04     
517    Unemployment      2012-05-06     
458    Unemployment      2011-11-26     
336    Unemployment      2010-10-11     
125    Unemployment      2009-02-15     
2669    Unemployment Annual per State Sports Economics      2023-01-12     
1480    Unemployment by Education      2021-09-07     
2073    Unemployment by industry      2022-09-14     
1405    Unemployment Comparison of U3 and U6      2021-02-04     
1404    Unemployment Comparison of U3 and U6      2021-02-04     
1457    Unemployment Data by Industry      2021-06-01     
1456    Unemployment Data by State      2021-06-01     
759    Unemployment Eurozone      2014-06-15     
697    Unemployment Eurozone      2013-12-25     
948    Unemployment In Region      2017-04-27     
947    Unemployment In Region      2017-04-26     
842    Unemployment List      2016-02-17     
1076    Unemployment Rate      2018-12-05     
77    Unemployment Rate      2008-10-20     
1437    Unemployment Rate 1976-Present      2021-04-22     
1276    Unemployment Rate by MSA      2020-02-05     
1275    Unemployment Rate by State      2020-02-05     
2102    UnemploymentRate-FL      2022-09-16     
492    unemployment rate in California vs US      2012-03-03     
986    Unemployment rates 25-64 by education-gender      2017-11-12     
1595    Unemployment Rates in 50 Largest Counties      2022-04-12     
1196    Unemployment Rates - MSAs      2019-07-02     
760    Unemployment US States      2014-06-15     
698    Unemployment US States      2013-12-25     

Published Data Lists 1651 - 1700 of 1813    [1] « Previous 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Next »

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